The place to read Tim Norris' commentarys on what he deems relevant.
10-10-03 WWE House Show Broadbent Arena,Rancid Indestructible.
Like the title says I went to the Broadbent Arena House Show in Louisaville this past Friday.For the first and probably
last time I got to sit ring side at a WWE event and even got a little closer,and all for free.You see my borther has been
looking into joining the Army,one day while he was meeting with his recruiter the subject of wrestling came up and his recruiter
said he could get him a pair of tickets to the house show.So for about a month his recruiter jerked him around about when
he would get him the tickets and we began to think we wouldn't even be getting them and that we were victims of an overzealous
recruiter. Well about a week before the show the recruiter called and said not only could he get us tickets but that he could
do one better,he could get my brother in as the special guest bell ringer for the night.My brother like the good soul he is
passed the privilige on to me.That's right internet wrestling geeks I got somewhere all of us dream about,the inside of the
WWE ring.I was given the dutie of bell ringing for one match only though Spike vs. Val Venis.A couple matches before one of
the organizers came to are seats and instructed me to come across the barrier as soon as the Hurrican/Rosey vs. Jindrak/Cade
vs. Mark Henry/Rodney Mack Tag Team Elimination match ended.By sheer luck when they came to get me Hurricane and Rosey hadn't
left the ring yet and I got to stand face to face with Hurricane who shook me hand and congratulated me.Anyways,they announced
me as special guest bell ringer and I got to roll into the ring,wave,and roll back out.
One thing of note is that during Spike and Val's match the crowd began the table chant.So as Val is stretching Spike I
hear him say to Val "They'll just have to wait until the next match."
I was puzzled for a minute as to what he said but after I rang the ending bell and returned to my seat the Dudleyz music
hit again and of course they had a table match with Renee Dupre and Rob Conway.
The show was nothing mind blowing but you've got to love front row seats.My brother and I looked back to see all the signs
behind us and truly appreciated what the front row had to offer.Honestly the match that shined out the most was the OVW Southern
Tag Team Title Match between Nova and his partner versus the Hitman and Cage.There was honestly no real bad matches the entire
night and the only thing I was left wanting was a Widowmaker from Victoria during her and Steven Richards match against Trish
Stratus and Maven.
The funniest thing of the night cam after the Spike vs. Val match.Val allowed Spike to hand his towel out to the "prettiest
lady" in the audience.Spike,of course as a good gesture,gave the towel to a little girl named Christian.Afterward the
crowd started to heel Spike yelling child molester,one guy yelled out "Het R. Kelly" as Spike was leaving.During
the Dudley Boyz table match Spike had done a run in and was to hand out a piece of the table which he gave to a little boy
this time,again the crowd got started up with the child molester stuff after some guy yelled out "Look now Spike's at
it again."Classic stuff.Poor Spike I guess that'll teach him for being a nice guy.Anyways I took a camera and hope to
put up some shots of course I say that every time I got to see wrestling live and it seems like my shots never turn out good
enough for the site.Maybe this time I'll get lucky.
It's been out about a month and a half now but I got Rancid's new album Indestructible on the day of release and I must
say I'm impressed.Rancid has certainly toned down slowly over the years.I would say this album is a combination of "Life
Won't Wait" and "rancid 2000".There's a good mixture of the classic Rancid sound and the more Reggae style
they went for on "Life Won't Wait".The album hops along smoothly and in my opinion doesn't have a single bad track.Punk
rock is an easy genre to produce and an even easier one to screw up but Rancid's been around long enough to know how to do
it right.If you're a long time Rancid fan you won't be disappointed and if you've never listened to Rancid,this is probably
the best album for you to pick up as it's not as heavy as the others and it definitely has a more mainstream sound.Songs recommended
as downloads for sampling are "Start Now" and "Ivory Coast".
Until next time.
Latest Thoughts
I've watched the last two episodes of NWATNA,mainly for a Raven fix but I wanted something different.After watching it pretty
much nonstop since 1999 it's gotten to be really same ol same ol.The only difference are newer wrestlers doing the same ol
same ol.The matches are terribly predictable.In almost every match whoever is getting the beat down in the start are going
to win,most likely by DQ or by some other means of assistance.Clean finishes barely exist anymore in the WWE.While I love
the work of a lot of individuals the overall product is not enticing.Since I have an alternative I gave it another try.
Like I said the main reason I watched was to see what was going on with Raven.Nothing really new or exciting same old Raven
getting killed and loving every minute but one thing did stand out.None of the other entrances Raven had in WWE or WCW even
compares to the one TNA has done.That 10 second entrance clip basically sums up the character like no other entrance has.On
the opposite side of the coin the whole Clockwork Orange House of Fun is way overhyped.It's a hardcore match with metal chains
strung along above the top rope.At least throw in some handcuffs or something,give the chains some sort of purpose.
Overall I enjoyed NWATNA but they use way too many stipulation matches.It's nice because it's different but at the same time
the few matches that don't have stipulations come off as meaningless.
It's a shame Mike Tenay isn't in the WWE,surely he's a better replacement for JR.TNA can keep Don West.He's way over the top
but what's insane is that he actually seems lucid compared to when he's trying to hock sports cards.
NWATNA was a welcome change for someone like me but I don't see them going mainstream anytime soon.
Other than TNA I haven't watched wrestling the last couple of weeks(other than Y2J vs. Shawn Micheals).
The Elder Scrolls III:Morrowind
I just bought Morrowind for my Xbox and I am thoroughly addicted,as is my girlfriend.I have never had a more enjoyable gaming
experience.The open ended freedom of this game is incredible.For once I feel like I'm actually creating the legend of my hero
than just participating with a hero who's building his own legend.At the same time this game's freedom might be a curse to
some.A friend picked up the game after I recommended it and hated it.The lack of a completely linear story killed it for him.
The graphics are nice,each area in the game has it's own personality,with different plants,animals,and habitats.Also each
has it's own weather patterns.The world comes across as really living and breathing.Different cultures are plainly seen as
you travel from town to town.Books are provided to give a complete history of the world of Vvardenfell.
Gameplay is basic hack n slash,which may be a negative for those that prefer their RPGs turn based.Their are several different
abilities that can be built upon,with 10 of them contributing the the overall betterment of your character.
The sounds are pretty dead on though the music can get repetitive once you've played quite a few hours.
Explaining the storyline would be impossible since I haven't even touched it yet,and I'm a good 60 hours into this game.Explaining
the appeal of this game is difficult but just to make a simple point.Other than the first mission of delivering a note to
Balmora my girlfriend's and my game have not reflected each other,nor do our characters reflect each other,in fact they're
almost opposite in every way.Her character is more of the kill everything in your way bezerker type,mine is more of the harm
none variety.She's out killing some Ashlander tribe leader,I'm on a pilgrimmage across the entire world,with the condition
being that I can speak to no one along the way.
If you've got a lot of creative impulses this game is for you,easily,if you're the type that would rather watch the movie
than direct it this might not be your cup of tea.
Best $20 I've spent in my entire lifetime,without a doubt.
Now for the best $5 I've ever spent in my life:Against Me!
It's not real often in my life that I hear a band and that's all I want to hear.Up until now that list included three bands:Sonic
Youth,Fifteen/Chrimpshrine, and Propaghandi.That was until I heard Against Me!. I was randomly downloading bands that were
reviewed or interviewed in Maximum Rock N Roll,most were the same old thing,not bad but not anything I hadn't heard before,and
ususally better,from someone else.
Anyways I get to against me! and listen to the two songs I downloaded,"burn" and "What we worked for".After two songs I was
hooked I started downloading like mad.I had it all.After a week I knew that if any band one this earth deserved my hard earned
cash this one was it.So I search out how to order this CD.To my surprise one of the best albums I've ever had the pleasure
to listen to was only $5.In fact you can order it here
They also have MP3s on the songs page,which you can find here
That's it for me for now.
Checking In.
First off,I want to shamelessly plug Jared and I's newest endeavor,Misanthropic Tees.We thought of starting a shirt company
where we just laid out the sarcasm against anything we felt like,we figured if we'd wear it than there must be a market.That
was at least three years ago but we've finally gotten it started thanks to so check it out.
Rented Brute Force for the Xbox last weekend.It's a decent game for a rental but hardly a buy.It was just simply to easy,my
brother,fiance,and I finished about half of it in just under 3 hours by basically running and gunning.I prefer at least some
strategy in a game like this,especially when cooperation should be the key to a multi-player game like this.Microsoft really
needs to start cranking out some first-party hits.It seems like everything other than Halo always has some promise but seems
to just come a little short of the goal.
While I'm on the topic,if any of you out there haven't checked out Pirates of the Caribbean,you should give it another look.You
probably thought lame movie tie-in but it looks like it could become anything but that.It's created by the designers of Morrowind
and was originally intended to be Sea Dogs II,the sequel to what else butSea Dogs.Gameplay has remained the same only a few
character and story changes were made to incorporate the disney movie.It looks like this game could be THE pirate game to
own.I believe it will eventually be realeased on all consoles with the Xbox being the first to get it.
On to wrestling(this is a wrestling website still isn't it?):
I love the fact that Jericho seems to be getting all the heat in his feud with Goldberg.There's no doubt I'm a Jericho mark
but Goldberg could be facing Hugh Morris and I would still want Hugh to get all the heat.Goldberg will always be just a spear
and a jackhammer.nothing more.And as little as he cares about the business itself I'm hoping he'll just run out his contract
and leave.Of course,when all of your wishes are granted many of your dreams will be destroyed.
What's happened to Smackdown?
Seriously,once Matt Hardyz segments end I'm usually done watching.I'm glad Kurt's back though I don't think he's a cure all
for Smackdown's problems.Why is Benoit so misused in the WWE,I'd much rather see him vs. Brock than either Big Show or Kurt
Angle,especially Big Show.Their continued push of Big Show illustrates how out of touch the WWE is with the mainstream right
now.The people I know who watch wrestling watch it for guys who can go in that ring.The truth is the time of the slow big
man is gone.These days you better have half an inkling on how to get around in the ring or you're just not going to make it.It's
the John Cena's and Matt Hardyz that are the future of wrestling,not the A-train's and Rodney Mack's.
I'm glad Matt dropped the cruiserweight title,I just hoped they don't destroy his momentum now.I pray to God that one of these
days I'll get to see Edge vs. Matt Hardy for the World Title.It may be a pipe dream,but their's so much history that can be
worked into that match.Maybe Smackdown will get their own version of the IC title and I'll at least get to see that.
There's two main reasons I watch RAW,Jericho and the Women's division.The title needs to come off of Jazz.There's something
that just isn't there with Jazz,she's decent in the ring maybe her character needs to be reworked or something.I don't see
the point in having Jazz as the #1 female heel when Victoria is better at it.I'm glad they're moving Trish away from the title
for now.She's done everything she can in that ring and has nothing to prove and I think should be used that way for now.Spend
more time in building people like Victoria,Lita,Ivory,Jazz,Gail Kim,Jackie, and please start using Molly Holly again.Build
a superheel amongst those women,and then put them in the ring with Trish,or even make a superface out of one of them and turn
Trish.It's been a long long time since I've seen a heel Trish.I'd like to see if she can pull it off.I have a lot of faith
that she can.
I gotta say that lately RAW has been really good compared to Smackdown.It makes me wonder if the WWE will always be working
harder on one show than the other.With the PPV split upon us I'd say this trend will probably continue,at least until both
shows start running their own monthly PPVs.
I'm going to miss Bad Blood this Sunday which is unfortunate since I think it'll be a pretty decent PPV,a real good start
for brand specific PPVs.I'm getting married Saturday so I won't get to watch another PPV until next month.This is the third
PPV in a row that I missed the last one I watched was Wrestlemania.I really don't think I've missed much but I've got a feeling
I'll end up renting this PPV somewhere down the line.This will be only the second time I've missed a PPV and felt the need
to watch it later.I hope everyone else enjoys it.